Youth Dynamics and Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch Are Joining Forces
Together, we are able to enhance behavioral health support for children and families, delivering more coordinated care to ensure kids receive the right services at the right time and at the lowest level of care possible.

Learn More About Our Partnership
Mental & Behavioral Health Services for Montana Kids & Families
At Youth Dynamics, we see a bright future for every child! Each year, we provide hope and healing to thousands of kids and families across Montana through our comprehensive, trauma-informed mental and behavioral health services. Learn more about support available through Youth Dynamics and how you can get involved.

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Foster Care


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Mental Health Services
Parent Education & Support
Youth Case Management
Therapeutic Youth Homes
Respite Care
Youth Mentors
Foster Care
Day Treatment
Substance Use Services
Individual & Family Therapy
Supervised Visits
Medication Management
Sexually Reactive Behavior Services
Need Help?
Youth Dynamics & Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch Announce Landmark Union
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 19, 2023 Contact: Katie Gerten, Marketing & Communications Forging a New Path for Children’s Behavioral Health in Montana Billings, MT—Youth Dynamics and Yellowstone Boys &...
YDI & YBGR: Key Facts for Children & Families
Youth Dynamics (YDI) and Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch (YBGR) are partnering to enhance support for families like yours across Montana. This marks a new chapter in our history and the therapeutic care we deliver. As a combined entity, we'll operate as Yellowstone...
YDI & YBGR: Key Facts for Our Community Partners
Youth Dynamics (YDI) and Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch (YBGR) are joining forces to enhance support for children and families across Montana. As a combined entity, we'll operate as Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch, providing all the traditional supports you're...
4 Ways to Tame Back-to-School Anxiety
School anxiety is a common experience, especially at the start of a new academic year. Nervousness can intensify when kids are faced with a new environment, where making new friends and adjusting to fresh expectations become part of the daily routine. How to Tame...
Foster Care
Each year more than 3,000 Montana children enter foster care due to abuse, neglect and other serious difficulties within their families. However, the number of foster families available to provide safe, caring homes for these children has not kept up with the need.
Many youth improve through our mental health care. Best of all, we often hear from adult “YDI Youth” —of healthy families, successful careers, and lives lived to their full potential. It takes many people to help families grow. Staff, mentors, foster parents, respite providers, volunteers, community partners, and donors all make an impact that lasts a lifetime.
Thank You To Our Sponsors