Would you build a house on unsteady ground? Probably not. So why do it when guiding your little ones?
Every child possesses an inherent set of strengths. And when we lean into them rather than fixating on weaknesses, we empower—laying a solid foundation for kids to thrive!
Below are thirteen quotes illustrating the power of building on children’s strengths.
Quotes Illustrating Building on Strengths

Quote 1: If you want your child to improve, focus on their strengths more than their weaknesses. – @youthdynamicsmt

Quote 2: There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child CAN do instead of what they cannot. – Temple Grandin

Quote 3: The best way to teach our kids is by building them up. Not tearing them down. – @renewedhopeparenting

Quote 4: What you say about your child is what they think about themselves. You are the first person to give them a hint about their identity. Your words are powerful—be selective. – @youthdynamicsmt

Quote 5: Speak to people as if all you see is their potential. Not everyone gets someone like that in their life. Be that someone. – Unknown

Quote 6: When we believe in our kids, they start to believe in themselves. – @atparentingsurvival

Quote 7: To inspire people, don’t show them your superpowers. Show them theirs. – Alexander Den Heijer

Quote 8: Every kid has strengths. Sometimes they’re obvious, like the kid who is a good athlete. But some strengths can be harder to notice—like the kid who is a kind person who accepts others. Both deserve equal praise. – Inspired by Living Full

Quote 9: The teachers who we remember from childhood are the ones who saw us for who we really were and inspired us toward who we could become. – Sarah Boyd

Quote 10: Never miss an opportunity to make a kid feel better about themselves. When they feel good, their whole demeanor changes. They learn better, behave better, and act better toward others. – Christine Derengowski

Quote 11: Look for the good things in your child today, and you’ll find that they’re even better tomorrow. Good things grow when they’re brought out into the light. – L.R. Knost

Quote 12: Inclusion is when the strengths of every child and young person are recognized, encouraged, and fostered. – Inspired by Beyond Blue

Quote 13: Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity to grow into the healthiest of people. – Inspired by Mr. Rogers
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