Have you heard of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? It’s a neurodevelopmental condition that affects a person’s development, altering their psychology and behavior. Below are details on the condition, strengths that come alongside it, and quotes that illustrate what it’s like to live with it.
Hallmark symptoms of ADHD include:

Kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder present predominantly with inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, or, most frequently, a combination of symptoms.
It often coexists with learning, autism spectrum, anxiety, and mood disorders, and children exposed to trauma may be misdiagnosed with the condition.
Children with ADHD think differently and have a host of strengths.

16 Quotes Illustrating ADHD
Below are sixteen quotes that paint a portrait of what life is like for kids living with ADHD.

Quote 1: Only a small fraction of children with ADHD demonstrate outwardly hyperactive symptoms. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 2: Anyone who exhibits the classic symptoms of ADHD will have difficulty with all or most of the seven core executive functions. – Russell Barkley, Ph.D.

Quote 3: Even mild stress floods the prefrontal cortex with dopamine, essentially taking it offline. – Adele Diamond, Ph.D.

Quote 4: Many kids with ADHD shut down when overwhelmed. They may act out when confronted with meeting parental expectations, like cleaning their room, as they have no idea how to start and finish. ¬- ADDitude Magazine

Quote 5: Repeated bouts of fear, frustration and failure in school create stress that is neurologically damaging. – Jerome Scultz, Ph.D.

Quote 6: A lot of kids will develop poor self-esteem related to the symptoms of ADHD. – Perri Klass, M.D. & Eileen Costello, M.D.

Quote 7: Teens with ADHD often have a deep-seated fear of failure that can look like a problem with motivation. – Rick Fiery, M.S.

Quote 8: Many boys with social anxiety retreat into a virtual world of gaming because it is safer and easier than possibly facing rejection from peers. – Ryan Wexelblatt, LCSW

Quote 9: The way ADHD often expresses itself in girls—excessive talking, poor self-esteem, worrying, perfectionism—is seldom read as such. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 10: Executive function challenges are often mistaken for disobedience, laziness, defiance, or apathy. – Chris Zeigler Dendy, M.S.

Quote 11: For kids with ADHD, poor behavior usually blossoms from a skill deficit. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 12: Children with ADHD have lower brain arousal; this decreases their ability to screen out distractions. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 13: For kids with undiagnosed dyslexia, everyday schooling is like being taught in a foreign language. – Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D.

Quote 14: Auditory processing disorder may impair auditory discrimination, listening in noisy environments, and recalling what you’ve heard and the sequence of words spoken. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 15: Kids do well if they can. If they aren’t doing well, it means there’s a barrier between effort and success that must be addressed. – Dr. Ross Greene

Quote 16: Success at school is the single more therapeutic thing a child can experience. – Chris Ziegler Deny, M.S.
How to Help Kids with ADHD Thrive
Read the blog below for tips on how to support kids with ADHD.
Learn More: How to Help Kids with ADHD Thrive
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