YDI & YBGR: Key Facts for Children & Families

by | Sep 19, 2024 | Featured, News, News & Events

#1: What changes can I expect in the services delivered to my children?

Youth Dynamics and Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch are joining hands to improve wraparound support for children and families. Together, we can provide more efficient, timely treatment—ensuring kids receive the right service at the right time and at the lowest level of care possible.

For caregivers with children currently enrolled in YDI services, we’ll ask you to sign a new consent for care form when Youth Dynamics begins to shift operations under Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch. Then, we’ll integrate your treatment information into their medical record system and give you updated on-call, 24-hour crisis line information. Until you receive our new on-call number, please continue using the one previously provided.

Your treatment team may ask you to sign additional paperwork to ensure your records are up to date. Please note that this may take time, and changes will not happen overnight. We appreciate your understanding as we move through this process together.

#2: My child has an appointment with Youth Dynamics or Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch. What do I do?

Please continue with your scheduled appointment. Our priority is to support you and your child’s well-being. As we integrate operations, we’re committed to ensuring your child’s services remain consistent and uninterrupted during our transition.

#3: How will my child’s care be impacted at YDI’s Therapeutic Youth Homes or Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch’s PRTF residential campus?

We understand that continuity of care is essential for your child’s well-being. Please know there will be no disruptions in placement or services provided to youth in our care resulting from our transition. Our teams remain focused on supporting you and your child throughout this period.

#4: Who can I call with questions?

Our goal is to keep communication lines open. We’re here to address any concerns and ensure you have the information to be empowered during our transition.

If you have questions about our partnership, please call us at (800) 726-6755 or email info@ybgr.org. For inquiries specific to your child’s care, please reach out to your treatment team.

#5: Where can I go to receive regular updates on your partnership to enhance care for kids and families?

We invite you to join us on our journey to strengthen outcomes for kids and empower future generations of Montanans. Here’s how you can stay updated with the latest information:

Visit our “Partner Facts” page at www.ybgr.org/ybgrpartnerfacts

Sign up for the YBGR newsletter by visiting our “Contact Us” page at www.ybgr.org/contact

Follow us on social media for real-time updates:


Youth Dynamics of Montana, Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch, Yellowstone Foundation


@youthdynamicsmt, @yellowstone_boys_girls_ranch, @yellowstonefoundation


Youth Dynamics of Montana, Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch, Yellowstone Foundation

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