Kevin Wyse

Clinical Director for Residential Services 

Kevin Wyse is an MSOTA, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor with a Bachelor of Agricultural Business and a Master of Psychology from Montana State University. He originally came to Youth Dynamics as a contractor for our highly sexualized youth program at Alternative Youth Adventures. He later became a full-time employee and worked his way up into the position of Clinical Director of Residential Services. 

Kevin came to Youth Dynamics because he is passionate about helping kids and teens. He finds the work he does at YDI fun and believes that it makes all the difference in the world for vulnerable youth. When not working at YDI, Kevin enjoys riding cutting horses and being at his ranch. 

Kevin reports his favorite quote by Mae Krell is, “The best thing I ever said was something I never did.” Kevin’s quote speaks to his great sense of humor and laid-back approach to life.