We have to feel it to heal it! Emotions we bury eat at us—insidiously eroding our health, wellness, and relationships. Becoming a heavy weight passed down through our parenting, unexpressed emotions + unhealthy coping can profoundly impact future generations. Below...
Have you heard of emotional intelligence (EQ)? It’s the ability to identify, assess, and regulate the emotions of oneself, others, and groups. And studies show it’s critical, with it being a stronger indicator of success than IQ. 5 Components of Emotional...
Who hasn’t experienced a bit of confusion and even frustration when their kids display challenging behaviors? Behavior that seemingly comes out of nowhere. Why is my child throwing tantrums, acting out, or refusing to listen? In these moments, it’s time to...
“I say I am sick. They say no, you’re an inspiration. How could I not fall in love with my illness? With becoming the kind of silhouette, people are supposed to fall in love with.” — Blythe Baird May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we’re...
Anxiety is common—affecting approximately one in eight children in the United States. As a parent or caregiver, it’s essential to know the symptoms to provide support and get kids help. Below are six signs of anxiety to be on the lookout for. Signs of Anxiety in...