Do you ever feel like you’re walking through life on a tightrope? Like you’re barely holding on by a thread? That any second you could just snap like a twig? Most of us have been there at some point or another in our lives. We’ve stretched ourselves too thin and...
Is it fair to say that things are a little stressful right now? I mean, with everything from constant uncertainty, to wildfire smoke and rising social unrest, it’s hard to stay afloat in the heavy waters of today’s world. And, the thing is, when life’s weighing us...
It’s no secret that the world is a little heavy these days. Many of us are struggling to bear the weight of everyday life. So, if you’re having a hard time, you certainly wouldn’t be alone in your plight. But, as the saying goes, it’s not the weight of the load that...
What if I told you every 40 seconds, someone takes their life? That it’s so common that suicide is actually the second leading cause of death among young people between the ages of 10 and 24. It’s a hard pill to swallow, right? Honestly, if the topic makes...
What’s the value of a moment? The meaning behind every interaction, every experience. It’s a heavy question, right? The truth is, too often, we don’t understand the importance of an event until it becomes a memory and the people in it until they are no longer here....