Laura Radniecki – June 5, 2018 The Worry Jar is a technique for people, especially children, who suffer from worry and anxiety. It helps kids identify, name and release their worries. The idea behind the Worry Jar is simple: 1. Write your worries down on little...
Psycom – May 22, 2018 by Katie Hurley, LCSW Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) isn’t simply a fear of making or interacting with friends. It’s actually characterized by an intense fear of social situations in which the child might be judged or scrutinized...
The Forgotten Initiative – March 16, 2015 by Anna Futral First night: Have someone come overAnyone. Your neighbor, your mom, your version of our “Mama Judy”. Especially if you have a placement on the way that is multiple children, the more adults the better....
Live About- Carrie Craft There are many aspects of fostering that are extremely difficult to emotionally handle as a foster parent. Helping a child in foster care adjust to a new placement, explaining to a foster child that you are not an adoptive resource,...
Live About – April 4, 2017 By Carrie Craft Whether or not foster parents should take their foster children with them on a family vacation can be a hot topic. Some foster families feel very strongly about taking foster children, stating that the kids are a part...