Learn how you can move through the stages of grief and process loss.
Results for: Mental Health
I’m Tired. When Emotional Exhaustion Becomes “Normal”
If you’re feeling a sense of emotional exhaustion right now, you’re not alone. That tired feeling is an all to common experience for many of us.
What’s Right? Selflessness in a Time of Suffering
What does it mean to be selfless during a pandemic? It’s not easy, but we all have a responsibility to protect the health of those around us.
Mental Health? It’s a Big Deal for Organizations
The current decline in American mental health has real, tangible implications for both businesses and our nation as a whole. But, within each of us is the power to make a difference.
Collective Trauma- An Unintended Consequence of the “New Normal”
We’re all experiencing trauma at the hands of this pandemic, not just from the virus itself, but also from its unintended consequences.
What’s with the Stigma Behind Men’s Mental Health?
Learn more about men’s mental health and why we should all care about this pressing topic.
Trauma- Its Roots Run Deep into American Culture
The weight of childhood trauma sits heavily on our nation. Learn about it’s effects and how you can impact the future of our most vulnerable population.
Resistant to Change? Breaking Free from Routine
Are you stuck in your routine? Learn what that resistance to change is all about so you can break free into a world of possibilities!
A Silent Crisis- The Unpacking of Men’s Mental Health in America
Men’s mental health is a silent crisis that’s building in the United States. They make up 75% of all deaths by suicide in our nation each year.
Can Childhood Trauma Make You Sick?
Trauma has a huge impact on us. Learn more about this important topic and how you can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable youth.
Who Am I? What That Judgment’s All About
Our judgment of others can say a lot about us. Learn what that’s all about and the benefits of working towards being more open-minded.
Change- A Constant in a World of Uncertainty
Change is hard for everyone! Learn how to cope with it so that you can become the very best version of you!
What Do I Do? How To Support Someone Who’s Struggling
Supporting those who are struggling can be hard. If this is something that doesn’t come naturally to you, have no fear! We have a few tips to help you out!
Worried? How to Break Free from Uncertainty
We’re truly grappling with uncertain times at the moment. Learn how to cope with that uncertainty so that you can be the very best version of yourself!
Survey Shows Montana Families Hit Hard by Pandemic
The University of Montana recently published a survey showing the true nature of the devastation in Montana left in the wake of this pandemic.
Addiction Doc Says: It’s Not the Drugs. It’s the Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Learn more about the intimate link between trauma and ritualized compulsive comfort-seeking, aka addiction.
Can’t Sleep? Pro Tips to Battle Insomnia
Roughly 60 million Americans struggle with insomnia each year. Have no fear though, we have a few tips and tricks to help you sleep through the night better.
Teen’s Memoir of Depression- “It’s an Invisible Monster”
Jaeda’s story about her battle with depression and recovery is powerful. It’s a reminder to those who are struggling that you aren’t alone.
Loneliness Epidemic? What It Is and Why It Matters
A recent survey by Cigna shows that over 50% Americans are lonely. In fact, a whopping 54% of those polled felt like there was no one in their lives that knew them intimately. The statistics are certainly shocking, but loneliness isn’t just a U.S. phenomenon.
Grief- Is That What This Is?
If you’ve been wondering what that confusing, painful ache in your chest is, it might very well be grief. For those that are struggling, we’ve got five tips to help you move through those heavy feelings.
The Impact of Stress & How You Can Avoid It Breaking You Down
Learn how stress impacts our communities, mental health, and what you can do to prevent it’s negative effects.
I’m Spiraling! How to Tame that Anxious Brain
Who hasn’t experienced anxiety at one point or another? For those who have struggled, we’ve got some tips to help you tame that anxious brain!
We Are Stronger Together- #YDIStrong Spotlights
We are stronger together! Check out our #YDIStrong spotlights from across the state!
Get a Little Earthy! Add Some Greenery to Your Life
To celebrate Earth Day, we would like to offer a few ideas of how you can incorporate more greenery into your daily life.
That’s My Bubble! The Case for Personal Space
Getting started on learning how to set healthy boundaries is the first step on your path to a happier, healthier life. So, for those who are struggling with this, we’ve come up with a few useful tips to get you started.
Sadness Has a Voice- Are You Struggling?
Who hasn’t felt it? It’s like you have weights shackled to your ankles and you’re sinking into an ocean of hopelessness. You’re in a dark room and no matter how hard you try to focus, you can’t see the light shining through.
You’re Not Lost! Seeing the Big Picture When You’re Stuck in the Weeds
We’ve all been through some sort of hardship in our lives. When those hardships happens, it’s hard to see the big picture- to know there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
Depression- What to Do When Your Heart Gets Heavy
Getting better is hard, but so is depression! Learn the skills to stay at your best.
It’s Not All Bad! A Return Back to the Family
The current situation doesn’t have to break you or your family. We have a few tips to help you use this time to strengthen your family ties!
What Now? Learning to Live Each Day to the Fullest
How you decide to live each day to the fullest is a deeply personal choice. However, we have a few suggestions to start you on your path.