Results for: Featured

Weighted Blankets: A Wonderful Therapy Tool

Weighted Blankets: A Wonderful Therapy Tool

In the last few months, if you were to look for Kay Brown, administrative support, or Diane Ude, accounting technician, after work or on the weekends you would most likely find them behind a sewing machine. They have been busily creating weighted blankets and...

Five Benefits of Dogs in Children’s Mental Health Services

Five Benefits of Dogs in Children’s Mental Health Services

The practice of animal assisted therapy has been growing in research and application. Research shows that the elderly, adults, adolescents, and children benefit from the presence of animals. Therapy animals are found in settings ranging from assisted living to...

My Mom: A Poem by Faith

My Mom: A Poem by Faith

Faith lives at one of our group homes in Boulder. Faith wrote this wonderful poem about her mother and wanted us to share it. When I think about my childhood 1 thing sticks out the most…. My Mom She is always there Sometimes I thought it to be suffocating But these...