The University of Montana recently published a survey showing the true nature of the devastation in Montana left in the wake of this pandemic.
Results for: Featured
Addiction Doc Says: It’s Not the Drugs. It’s the Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Learn more about the intimate link between trauma and ritualized compulsive comfort-seeking, aka addiction.
It Almost Broke Me. Confessions of a Foster Care Worker
At any given time, roughly 3,000 kids will be in our state’s foster care system. A number that at one point had increased over 80% since I started my career in children’s services a little over seven years ago.
Letter Boards to Celebrate the #MomLife
In order to celebrate the glorious mess that is motherhood, the true dedication of the women we love most, we’re sharing ten of the best motherhood letter boards that we could find.
Can’t Sleep? Pro Tips to Battle Insomnia
Roughly 60 million Americans struggle with insomnia each year. Have no fear though, we have a few tips and tricks to help you sleep through the night better.
Teen’s Memoir of Depression- “It’s an Invisible Monster”
Jaeda’s story about her battle with depression and recovery is powerful. It’s a reminder to those who are struggling that you aren’t alone.
Times Are Tough! Don’t Forget Kids Are Struggling Too!
It’s important to recognize when kids are struggling so that we’re able to support them. Here are five signs that your child may be struggling with grief.
Loneliness Epidemic? What It Is and Why It Matters
A recent survey by Cigna shows that over 50% Americans are lonely. In fact, a whopping 54% of those polled felt like there was no one in their lives that knew them intimately. The statistics are certainly shocking, but loneliness isn’t just a U.S. phenomenon.
Grief- Is That What This Is?
If you’ve been wondering what that confusing, painful ache in your chest is, it might very well be grief. For those that are struggling, we’ve got five tips to help you move through those heavy feelings.
The Impact of Stress & How You Can Avoid It Breaking You Down
Learn how stress impacts our communities, mental health, and what you can do to prevent it’s negative effects.
I’m Spiraling! How to Tame that Anxious Brain
Who hasn’t experienced anxiety at one point or another? For those who have struggled, we’ve got some tips to help you tame that anxious brain!
You’ve Got This! Parenting Quotes to Inspire
Are you looking for a little parenting inspiration? Well, look no further! We’ve got ten of our most powerful parenting quotes to inspire!
Get a Little Earthy! Add Some Greenery to Your Life
To celebrate Earth Day, we would like to offer a few ideas of how you can incorporate more greenery into your daily life.
That’s My Bubble! The Case for Personal Space
Getting started on learning how to set healthy boundaries is the first step on your path to a happier, healthier life. So, for those who are struggling with this, we’ve come up with a few useful tips to get you started.
Betrayal. Learn the Signs of Child Sexual Abuse
In the United States, 1 in 5 children will be sexually assaulted before their eighteenth birthday. April is Child Abuse Prevention and Sexual Assault Awareness Month— the perfect time to educate yourself on this critical topic.
YDI Values- What Does Open and Respectful Communication Really Mean?
Care Manager, Candice Maurer, discusses the importance of the YDI core value of open and respectful communication.
Sadness Has a Voice- Are You Struggling?
Who hasn’t felt it? It’s like you have weights shackled to your ankles and you’re sinking into an ocean of hopelessness. You’re in a dark room and no matter how hard you try to focus, you can’t see the light shining through.
Help! What to Do When Your Child Isn’t Listening
Are you going to lose your cool? Learn how to get your child to listen in a way that’s effective, doesn’t involve losing your temper, and preserves your relationship with them.
It’s Twinkle Time! Stress Less with a Little Spring Cleaning
Did you know there’s therapeutic value to spring cleaning? We kid you not! Learn more and check out our cleaning tips!
Oh, That’s Deep! Words That Will Change Your Lens on Life
Life’s not always easy, especially right now! Sometimes, just stepping back and looking at the big picture can really help. So, for those who are in search for a new perspective on life, read on!
YDI Values- What Does Accountability and Transparency Really Mean?
Accountability and Transparency are the pillars of good communication and are at the center of our actively caring culture. They are fundamental to healthy, constructive relationships between coworkers and the families we serve.
An Inside Look at What #YDISTRONG Looks Like Across Montana
The last few weeks have been difficult, but the resiliency and tenacity of our teams working on the front lines has been truly inspirational.
You’re Not Lost! Seeing the Big Picture When You’re Stuck in the Weeds
We’ve all been through some sort of hardship in our lives. When those hardships happens, it’s hard to see the big picture- to know there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
I’m Bored! Smells Like Bonding Time at Home with the Kids
Who hasn’t heard the dreaded words- I’m bored!? Have no fear! We’ve got some great ideas for things to fight boredom that will also promote bonding with your little ones.
Depression- What to Do When Your Heart Gets Heavy
Getting better is hard, but so is depression! Learn the skills to stay at your best.
It’s Not All Bad! A Return Back to the Family
The current situation doesn’t have to break you or your family. We have a few tips to help you use this time to strengthen your family ties!
What Now? Learning to Live Each Day to the Fullest
How you decide to live each day to the fullest is a deeply personal choice. However, we have a few suggestions to start you on your path.
You Are Amazing! A Thank You to Our Teams Across the State
We asked the children in our services, “What do you like most about Youth Dynamics?” In reading their responses, we couldn’t be more proud of our teams! We would like to thank each of them for all that they do.
You Matter! Staying Afloat When It Feels Like You’re Drowning
Here are a few tips to help you stay afloat during the current tsunami that is consuming our world today.
Social Distancing, A Time for Self-Discovery
It’s easy to get tunnel vision and find all the negative in the world right now, but that’s only going to make this whole situation tougher. Instead, why not use your new-found alone time for internal growth?