We provide our Community Education offerings as a service to the community. In an effort to provide this important information to as many people as possible it is important that all parties involved in classes, including community members, be accountable for successful class attendance and engagement.
All courses offered by Youth Dynamics have unique policies regarding how many absences, called “free absences,” can occur to successfully complete the course.
If a participant registers for a course and fails to complete it or surpasses the number of “free absences”, they must furnish a written excuse signed by a professional (i.e. a doctor’s note, a note from a Parole or Probation Officer or social worker, judges note, etc.) excusing their absences. The Youth Dynamics team will work with the participant to ensure they receive make up classes as needed.
Youth Dynamics reserves the right not to accept excused absences at any time and for any reason.
If a person registers for a course two times and fails to complete the course both times due to unexcused absences then the following actions must occur before they can register for another course:
- The participant must wait 6 months before registering for another course
- Pay the course fee in full, where applicable
Participants involved with the Department of Family Services completing a course to satisfy a requirement of a Court Ordered Treatment plan, must also:
- Have a CPS worker or other professional to act as an accountability partner. This person can be a worker from STEP, ECI, Full Circle, YDI, Sober Living program, Sponsor, Clinician, Priest/Preacher, Registered Peer Support, etc. and must attend the entire course with the participant.
- The participant must sign an accountability contract with Youth Dynamics, their DFS Worker, and their accountability partner.