Are you familiar with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? It’s a neurological condition that, for kids afflicted, impacts their development— altering their psychology and behavior.
Over six million children between the ages of three and seventeen grapple with it in the United States alone. And for caregivers and anyone working with kids, it’s critical to understand ADHD, its impact, and how to help those living with it thrive!
Keep reading for tips on how to support kids, and read our blog, 16 Quotes That Illustrate ADHD, to learn more about the condition.
How to Support Kids Living with ADHD

Quote 1: Kids do well if they can. If they aren’t doing well, it means there’s a barrier between effort and success that must be addressed. – Dr. Ross Greene

Quote 2: I am always open to communication, but I need to hear positive comments about my son as well. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 3: Ask students to set small achievable learning goals so they can experience success. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 4: The key is pushing kids past their comfort zone but not so far that they feel overwhelmed. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 5: Multi-step directions are counterproductive. There is just too much information to take in and retain. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 6: Research shows that distractible kids need to fidget in order to focus. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 7: The more of my senses you address, the more engaged I will be in learning. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 8: Teach students to write down questions that occur to them during “silent time.” – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 9: Delayed consequences, such as detention, don’t work for kids with ADHD. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 10: Don’t assign homework as a punishment or consequence for misbehavior at school. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 11: Research shows that music helps the ADHD brain organize time and space, aiding in learning and memory. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 12: Choice increases motivation, and motivation increases learning. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 13: Provide opportunities for kids to show divergent, creative, and imaginative thinking—and to receive recognition for that originality. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 14: The best teacher for a child with ADHD is one who celebrates and works with their student’s creativity, energy, and curiosity. – ADDitude Magazine

Quote 15: Success at school is the single more therapeutic thing a child can experience. – Chris Ziegler Deny, M.S.
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