Anxiety. Have you ever experienced it? Racing thoughts, sweaty palms, heart pounding out of your chest. It feels like every worst-case scenario is playing out in your head at once.
It’s an overwhelming, dreadful emotion. And for those of us who confront it regularly—it’s exhausting.
Here are sixteen quotes that illustrate life with anxiety.
Quotes Illustrating Life with Anxiety

Quote 1: Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. – Albert Camus

Quote 2: Living with anxiety is like being followed by a voice. It knows all your insecurities and uses them against you. It gets to the point when it’s the loudest voice in the room-it’s the only one you can hear. – Unknown

Quote 3: Every day is a struggle, even when I’m at my best. My anxiety is always with me, and my panic taps me on my shoulder a few times a day. On my good days, I can brush it off. On my bad days, I just want to stay in bed. – Unknown

Quote 4: It is very hard to explain to people who have never known severe depression or anxiety the sheer continuous intensity of it. There is no off switch. – Matt Haig

Quote 5: I get nervous about everything. Sometimes, I don’t even know why I’m anxious. I just am. And no one seems to understand that. – Unknown

Quote 6: Anxiety is not being able to sleep because you said something wrong two years ago and can’t stop thinking about it. – Unknown

Quote 7: I overanalyze situations because I’m scared of what might happen if I’m not prepared for them. – Turcois Ominek

Quote 8: I have to remind myself all the time that being afraid of things going wrong isn’t the way to make things go right. – Unknown

Quote 9: Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly reexperiencing failure in advance. What a waste. – Seth Godin

Quote 10: Fear is interest paid on a debt you may not even owe. – Unknown

Quote 11: Free time is death to the anxious, and thank goodness I don’t have any of it right now. – Jon Stewart

Quote 12: I feel busy, but nothing gets done. I feel tired, but sleep doesn’t help. I feel anxious, but I’m not sure why. – Unknown

Quote 13: I am very strong. But sometimes, while I’m being strong, I’m also hyperventilating—my heart is pounding out of my chest. Also, I might cry and swear a lot. That’s just how I roll. – Nanea Hoffman

Quote 14: If there’s an adrenaline rush, I will find it. If there’s an anxiety attack, I will have it. – Bert Kreischer

Quote 15: A panic attack goes from 0 to 100 in an instant. It’s halfway between feeling like you’ll faint and feeling like you’ll die. – Unknown

Quote 16: Mantra for anxiety: Anxiety is not you. It’s something moving through you. It can leave out of the same door it came in. – James Clear
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