Feeling like you’re at the end of your rope? If so, you’re not alone! In the fall, Harvard Business Review conducted a global survey with over 1,500 respondents. And the results? A whopping 89% of people felt that their work-life balance had gotten worse, with 85% feeling that their overall well-being had declined.
Seriously, those are some big burnout numbers! Without a doubt, it’s the perfect time to start a conversation on stress and how to manage it. So, we spoke with our newest Associate Clinical Director, Bailee Schnell, to take a deeper dive into the matter and find out how she handles life’s ebb and flows.
Truthfully, stress is an inescapable part of life. But kept unchecked, it can have a significant impact on your health. Chronic stress can lead to everything from insomnia to memory problems and even heart disease.
That said, stress is more about how you respond in life than what’s happening around you. By keeping a positive mindset and doing the things that help you stay at your best, you can avoid chronic, toxic stress levels.
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